2. Consider an example of a BASE Class University with the protected data members that are student name and roll number. Create a derived class with name SE and initialize student name and roll number using get and set accessors through a derive class object. Make sure that the student name cannot be null and roll number cannot be negative in this case.

    Consider an example of a BASE Class University with the protected data members that are student name and  roll number. Create a derived class with name SE and initialize student name and roll number using get and set accessors through a derive class object.  Make sure that the student name cannot be null and roll number cannot be negative in this case.

using System;
class Uni
    protected int RN;
    protected string name;
class SE : Uni
    public int setRN
            return RN;
        set                               //set means write

                Console.WriteLine("Enter stduent Roll Number=");
                value = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                if (value <= 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n Roll-Number must be greater than ZERO , try again");
                    Console.WriteLine("\n Roll Number saved\n\n");

            } while (value <= 0);                  // check to aviod entry of -ve number

            this.RN = value;



    public string setName
            return name;
        set                               //set means write

                Console.WriteLine("Enter stduent Name (null value is not allowed)= ");
                value = Console.ReadLine();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    Console.WriteLine("\n Student Name cannot be NULL or EMPTY");

                    Console.WriteLine("\n Roll Number saved\n\n");

            } while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value));                  // check to aviod entry of -ve number

            this.name = value;


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        SE obj = new SE();
        obj.setRN = -100;
        obj.setName = "";

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