4. Consider an example of BASE CLASS with name SHAPE with two protected fields/data-members that are height and width, initialize the height and width in BASE CLASS using the TRADITIONAL APPROACH BASED ON ENCAPSULATION (using Setter only) Create a DERIVED CLASS with name RECTANGLE and implement getArea function (height*width) in the DERIVED CLASS.

    Consider an example of BASE CLASS with name SHAPE with two protected fields/data-members that are height and width, initialize the height and width in BASE CLASS using the TRADITIONAL APPROACH BASED ON ENCAPSULATION (using Setter only) Create a DERIVED CLASS with name RECTANGLE and implement getArea function (height*width) in the  DERIVED CLASS.

using System;
class Shape
        public void setWidth(int w)
            width = w;
        public void setHeight(int h)
            height = h;
        protected int width;
        protected int height;

    // Derived class
    class Rectangle : Shape
        public int getArea()
            return (width * height);
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Rectangle Rect = new Rectangle();


            // Print the area of the object.
            Console.WriteLine("Total area: {0}", Rect.getArea());


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