Explicit type conversion is used whenever there is a possibility of data loss. When converting floating point type to integer type there is always a loss of data coming from the elimination of the fractional part and an explicit conversion is obligatory (e.g. double to long). To make such a conversion it is necessary to use the operator for data conversion (type). There may also be data loss when converting a type with a wider range to type with a narrower one (double to float or long to int).
Explicit Type Conversion – Example
The following example illustrates the use of explicit type conversion and data loss that may occur in some cases:
In the first line of the example we assign a value 5.1 to the variable myDouble. After we convert (explicitly) to type long using the operator (long) and print on the console the variable myLong we see that the variable has lost its fractional part, because long is an integer. Then we assign to the real double precision variable myDouble the value 5 billion. Finally, we convert myDouble to int by the operator (int) and print variable myInt. The result is the same like when we print int.MinValue because myDouble contains a value bigger than the range of int.